Take a look at different options we offer, and join the online experience.
Take a look at why we organise Digital Marketing Conference and why you should attend!
Our speakers are experienced marketers willing to share and let you in on their little secrets that lead to big successes.
Connect with experts from all digital marketing feilds.
All lectures and sessions are held online and you can access them from anywhere and anytime after the confernce is finished.
Learn about how you can provide a better customer experience. Our experts will teach you how to dramatically improve your online presence with new tools and old tools with a new twist.
Everyone who wants to will pitch ideas, we'll form groups, and jump into the sprint together. Bring an idea or plan on joining a group you're excited about.
Get into groups and work on an idea with other educators. We'll have people on-site who can help you get unstuck or push forward on an idea.
Everyone who wants to will pitch ideas, we'll form groups, and jump into the sprint together. Bring an idea or plan on joining a group you're excited about.
Get into groups and work on an idea with other educators. We'll have people on-site who can help you get unstuck or push forward on an idea.
We'll invite every group to share what they came up with during the day
Do I need to have a technical background?
Not at all. One of the great things about this technology is how accessible it is to people with no technical background. If you have ideas, come meet and build with people to help make them real. We'd love to have you.
Who all is welcome?
We have a great mix founders, engineers, designers, teachers, and principals from around the country who'll be here. We are especially interested in teachers and school leaders with who care about the humanities, creativity, and magnifying relationships who want to influence how AI impacts their world. No technical experience required. If you're a builder or educator, or know one who can make it, we'd love to have you.
What do I need to bring?
We've got space, food, internet, a few tools to help build, and a great group of people. Bring a laptop and an idea you're excited to work on and you should be all set!
I can't make it. Will you be doing another one?
We're definitely planning to host more Build AI x EDU meetups and design sprints. If you can't make it but you'd like to stay tuned for more, email caleb@schoolai.com to get on the list.
This years conference is going to be held online due to global circumstances. Join us on Zoom!
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